Child Protection Training was organized for Child Protection Focal Points in Ban Mai Nai Soi camp. There are 35 refugees; 7 male and 29 female attending this training. This training enables staff, including agricultural officers, to understand the vulnerable persons. Therefore staff can identify vulnerable persons and provide immediate response by referring them to proper assistance programs.

On October 27, 2016, COERR organized the Child Protection Referral System Review for the Focal Points about how to use referral form and learn to response for the serious case in emergency period. Child Protection Focal Points prioritize protection concern which might be happening any where even when children return to their home country. The kwowledge and skills in child protection will enable the focal points to manage to help the children in need.

Posters that have been distributed to communities to raise awareness of Child Protection and referral.

Role Play was used in case of immediate response to serious child protection case. Participants and group have prepared some statements, questions to ask the 14-year-old-girl once seeing the girl crying and being depressed.

Video show and case study to raise awareness about child sexual abuse

Participants practice on referral form
At Ban Mae Surin, a Child Protection Training was organized on October 8, 2016 to enable youth to understand Child Protection Referral System and identify protection concerns as well as to receive and refer the child protection case in accordance of referral pathway.

A number of questions are raised to explore attitude of youth in terms of abuse / child protection

Child Protection Review: To review and apply various topics, such as: child rights, the protective forces around a child, and risk that children in the camp might face, who can support the child and family, etc.

Representatives of each group presents the answers. Feedback and comments from youth in Ban Mae Surin camp shows that they have good understanding about child rights, child protection and risks that they might face.

Works of the session how to identify serious Child Protection put on walls |